Lab 5: Binary Tree Applications

To do this excercise, first type into your terminal the following command: git clone You should now see a folder with multiple .h, .o and one main.cpp file.

Exercise 1 - Arithmetic Expression Trees

Using the files provided for you from the git clone, we will be working with an arithmetic expression tree (If you have had lab for this week, yes it is the same arithemetic expression trees you will be using in lab!).

Create a function evaluate() that takes the expression and evaluates the result. For example, given the expression: "1+5/2*4+3-1", the evaluation shold return 10 (using integer division).

Huffman Trees


Huffman coding is a lossless data compression algorithm. The idea is to assign variable-length codes to input characters, lengths of the assigned codes are based on the frequencies of corresponding characters. The most frequent character gets the smallest code and the least frequent character gets the largest code. -Wikipedia
Basically, let's say you have a message "M". By using Huffman coding, you can determine a coding scheme for each letter in message "M".
For example, the letter "A" will be "10",
the letter "B" will be "11", and
the letter "C" will be "0".
So, you can encode the message "ABC" as "10110".
Well, anyway the point of Huffman coding is so that when you convert your message of characters into a long list of zeros and ones, it will be as short as possible, otherwise known as optimal. The coding scheme is different for every message. There are usually more than one way to make the Huffman tree. Here is how the tree looks like for our example: alt text

The whole point of the tree is so that we can traverse it like a BST! To decode the message, Make a for loop that iterates through the string "10110". You start at the root, then go left if you see a '0' or go right if you see a '1'. Try it by tracing through the tree! The first character in "10110" is a '1' so let's start at the root and then go RIGHT. Ok. Now the next character is a '0' so let's go LEFT. KAPOOYAH! Now we know the first letter is 'A'. Cool, huh?

Exercise 2

Ok, you don't have to worry about the Huffman encoding (you'll learn that in CS141). So we'll use an online tool. 1. Make a secret message for the person next to you! Please try to keep it short (like 1-3 short words). and try not to use too many different letters otherwise it will be crazy for your partner!

  1. Go to

  2. Type in your message and then click "generate a tree" at the top.

  3. Now encode your messsage by looking at the codes at each leaf of your tree. Send the picture of your tree and your secret message of zeros and ones to your partner!

  4. Now you should have someone else's tree and secret message. Make the tree in C++! internal nodes do not need any value just the leaves which should have the letter as a string.

  5. Lastly, make a function called Decode() that takes in a string of zeros and ones and prints the decoded message! Read the "introduction" section above to see how the tree is used to decode (Go left if you see a zero and go right if you see a one).