Lab Week 7: Hash Tables

The following exercises require some code we have written. Execute the following command on c9 (or on the terminal) to get it.

git clone

You should now have a directory called cs14/w7 with the following files: Person.h, UnorderedSet.h, UnorderedSet.cpp, main.cpp, and persondata.txt.

The Person.h file contains the Actor struct which has a variety of fields.

The UnorderedSet.h file contains the basic interface of the UnorderedSet class.

The UnorderedSet.cpp file is where you will be implmenting the UnorderedSet class.

The main.cpp file is where you should write your tests. Right now it simply loads the person data into a vector.

The persondata.txt file contains the raw person data

Exercise 1

Our goal in this exercise is to implement an ADT that uses the ideas in class to hash Person structs. Hopefully we can attain O(1) insert and remove operations.

Using the UnorderedSet class declartion in UnorderedSet.h, implement the the UnorderedSet class. Feel free to modify UnorderedSet.h but your implementation of the UnorderedSet class must at least support the following public member functions:

int count(const Person& elem)
void remove(const Person& elem) 
void insert(const Person& elem)

Review the files given for hints on how to implement this class. As always, if you are having trouble ask your neighbor or the SI leader for help.

Exercise 2

Write a test for your UnorderedSet class that reports how the elements are distributed in your set. One way to do this is to sum the total number of elements in each bucket and divide by the total number of buckets that have at least one element.

If you use the above suggestion, what kind of output do you want to see for your test?

Exercise 3

Implement the resize() public member function. resize() should double the number of buckets if the load factor goes above a certain threshold. Do some quick research online to determine an appropriate load factor threshold.