
You may remember (or should remember) from CS12 a data structure that is formed by connecting a group of nodes called a "Linked List".

In order to implement a Linked List, you must define the structure for an individual node.

For a singly-linked list of integers, it may look something like:

struct IntNode{
    int val;
    IntNode * next;

In order to implement the Linked List, we store the head of the list, which is a pointer to a IntNode. We also implement methods that insert/remove elements from the list e.g.

class IntLinkedList {
        void push_front(int val);
        // ...
        IntNode * head;

That's all fine and dandy, but if instead want a DoubleList or a StringList, then we are in trouble.

A common first instinct is to copy-and-paste code manually and change the types where needed. But even expert programmers start to make mistakes copy and pasting.

Introducing templates!

The solution for this problem is function-templates and class-templates which in a way generate this "copy-and-paste" code for you.

In fact, you've already been using templates all-along. The standard library container, vector, which makes dynamic arrays easy to use is also one of these template classes.

To create an instance of a template class is simple, just provide the desired type in the "angle-brackets".

vector<int> numbers; // creates a vector of integers
vector<string> words; // creates a vector of strings

To create a new class template, before our class declaration we use the keyword template followed by a type parameter inside "angle-brackets" e.g. template<typename T>. The keyword typename tells the compiler that T is a placeholder for an actual type.

Note: T is a common name for a placeholder type, this name like parameter names should be a tell for how the class is used - e.g. a common typename for classes that take in any container such as Vectors or Lists is Container

Let's say, we want to create a templated version of our Node and List.

IntNode becomes:

template<typename T>
struct Node {
   T val;
   Node<T> * next;

and IntLinkedList becomes:

template<typename T>
class LinkedList {
        void push_front(T val);
        // ...
        Node<T> * head;

To create a LinkedList of doubles, we declare the list as so:

LinkedList<double> list;

In order to template functions and method, we do something similar.

For example, if we want to define the templated LinkedList's push_front method:

template<typename T>
LinkedList<T>::push_front(T val) {
    Node * new_node = new Node<T>();
    new_node -> val = val;

    Node * old_head = this -> head;
    new_node -> next = old_head;
    this -> head = new_node;

For more info on templates check out this FAQ!


Implement a vector class template. You should have an implementation of IntVector from CS12 that makes this much easier!

Pro-Tip: before implementing the class as a class template, typedef the type T as an integer and replace type with T as needed. e.g.

typedef int T; // give the int an alias which is T
T my_int = 42;

This give you much nicer error messages and makes it easier to debug.

Example Usage, should implement at least the following methods:

MyVector<string> vec;
vec.insert("Hello", 0);
cout << vec.front() << endl; // "Hello"
cout << vec.back() << endl; // "World"
cout << vec.back() << endl; // "CS14"
cout << vec.back() << endl; // "Hello"

MyVector<int> another_vec;

Stretch-goal exercise:

Rewrite your IntList as a class template!