Inserstion Sort

Another type of sort called insertion sort sorts a list of elements as they are inserted into the array. The values inserted are compared to each of the other values in the list until the correct posistion of the element is found.

For example, in the following image, the given array is sorted with insertion sort.


Firstly, the first value in the array, 5, is inserted to an empty list, which is of course sorted. Secondly, the next value in the array, 1, is inserted. Since the list is not empty, the value being inserted has to be compared to the other values in the list. Since 1 is less than 5 and this list is being sorted in ascending order, the two values 1 and 5 have to be swapped. This process is repeated until the list no longer has values to sort.

This sort runs in O(n^2) time, but has an O(n) best case.


  • Given a list: 0,9,4,2,7,4, perform insertion sort on the list, showing each step of the way.
  • What would the lists look like when insertion sort runs in O(n^2) time? What about for O(n) time?

Quick Sort

Quick Sort, like Merge Sort, is a divide and conquer sorting algorithm. Similar in many ways to merge sort, it differs by the position where we choose the split the values in our list. In merge sort, the list is always split right down the middle, gauranteeing an O(nlogn) runtime. However, with quick sort, we can choose where we want to split the list, and can also split the list in multiple places. The places that we choose are called pivots.


Quick Sort runs on average faster than a majority of the other sorts. However, with poorly chosen pivots, Quick Sort can run in O(n^2) time.


  • s
  • u

In Place and Stable Sorts

A sorting algorithm can be described with two different classifiers: "in-place" and "stable".

A stable sorting algorithm is one that when comparing values that are equal, does not perform a swap. That is to say that the sorting algorithm is more stable because the values in the list do not change thier position if they are equal.

An inplace sorting algorithm is one that sorts the values of the list within the list itself. It does not create another list to copy the values into, all the sorting is done within the list itself.