
Written by Josh Beto

Problem Solving Tips

  • If you get stuck on a part, skip to the parts you know and abstract the parts you do not know. Abstract means to understand what something does, but not think about how it is done.
  • Example: You have a function bool isAcceptable(int x)
  • You need to remove elements within a vector<int> v that are considered not acceptable.
  • You can simply call isAcceptable(int x) to check for which elements to remove even if you do not know how to write bool isAcceptable(int x)

Be sure to unit test your functions!

Program 1

Write a program to print out all prime numbers from 1 to 100
Implement the following functions:

  • bool isPrime(int n) - returns true if number n is prime
  • void printPrimes(int n) - prints all primes from 1 to n

Program 2

Write a program that tests whether a string or int is a palindrome
Implement the following functions:

  • bool isPalindrome(const string &s) - returns true if string is a palindrome i.e. racecar
  • Bonus: bool isPalindrome(int n) - returns true if int is a palindrome i.e. 12321

Program 3

Write a program that takes in two strings from the user and outputs whether they are anagrams i.e. cat and act are anagrams
Implement the following function:

  • bool isAnagram(const string &a, const string &s) - returns true if the two strings are anagrams of each other, have the same exact letters